Das Selbstportrait des Künstlers Anselm Feuerbach zeigt die Kopfpartie des Künstlers. Der junge Mann hat wuschige braune Haare. Dabei schaut er leicht nach unten und scheint den Blick des Betrachters zu fixieren.

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Self-Portrait as a Young Man

Anselm Feuerbach

H 32cm W 42cm


The young man has lowered his head, but his gaze under his eyebrows is slightly slanted upwards. He appears thoughtful, intense, and at the same time determined — as though depicted in a concentrated moment of decision. Feuerbach’s youthful self-portrait hints at what this artist was to become: an intellectually ambitious man whose romantic yearning for ideality and greatness often led him to seek out classical, ancient models and literary as well as philosophical subject matter.

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